Usually our money is the ugly duckling, and no matter how many great habits we might have, it’s hard to see how they can apply to our finances, yet there are so many great habits we have in our daily routines that will work for your money—like those in your wellness routine.  TIP: Scheduling five minutes a day or 15 to 30 minutes a week to review your accounts and update your budget can do wonders to reduce your stress levels and keep you on track.  TIP: Ask your girlfriends if they want to start chatting about their money goals to create accountability.  TIP: Be specific with your money goals (“I want $500 in savings”), and know why you are doing it, and you’ll be shocked by how motivated you will be to stick with it.   TIP: If you aren’t making progress on your goals, it might be time to try something new. Review what you are doing now and decide on one thing to shift. TIP: Apply this same mindfulness and testing mentality to your money-tracking processes. You’ll know exactly where your money is going and how to track your spending in a way that works for you.  TIP: If you feel like you are on a hamster wheel and keep falling back into bad habits, consider finding a money coach to help you move forward.   TIP: Turn on some Beyoncé and pour your favorite drink when it’s time to sit down with the budget each week.   TIP: Every 90 days, check in on your goals and celebrate your progress.   TIP: When you don’t feel in control of your money and unexpected expenses keep popping up, touch base with yourself and ask if you did your best and is this something you could have planned for?   TIP: When this happens with your money, review your goals and get back to basics: Make some time with your money. 

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