If you’re not quite sure where to start, how about tomorrow morning? We all know how much a grounding routine can set the tone for your day, so read on for three intentional ways we can freshen up our morning routines: Make this dedicated time a ritual that you look forward to by using an invigorating, energizing essential oil roller to help center your mind for the moment. Keep NOW’s Certified Organic Essential Roll-Ons—like Tea Tree for its cleansing vibe or Peppermint for its invigorating aromatherapy—within reach, and roll them over your wrists or temples to feel their effects. Try this: A journaling exercise can help shake off the cobwebs and bring you a little closer to what you’re seeking and how you want to feel. Prompt: What do I want to let go of? What do I want to create? A few ideas to get you started: Enjoy your cup of coffee outside for a morning dose of vitamin D and to breathe in some fresh air, or make a switch to matcha (NOW makes an Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder that’s perfect for adding to smoothies, too) or a caffeine-free coffee alternative like a maca latte that you can make from maca powder. Try this: Make a homemade iced coffee creamer (yum!). A splash of naturally sweetened creamer always helps cut the bitterness of a chilled cup of joe. Here’s a formula you can use with your favorite whole, natural ingredients: Getting sunlight first thing in the a.m. is thought to spur the production of mood-boosting serotonin and can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle, making you more alert, energized, and ready to take on the day. Along with the extra time you’ll get in the morning, some studies suggest getting up early could be the key to peak productivity. There’s also a spirituality behind it, as rising with the sun is an energy-balancing ayurvedic practice for promoting movement and mental stamina. Try this: Set an earlier alarm, but don’t cut short the number of hours you need for adequate sleep (this may mean proactively getting into bed earlier tonight!). When the alarm goes off, take a few deep breaths and do a few stretches in bed to warm up your body and help you wake up.

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