Here, find out everything you need to know about the health benefits of wakame and why this sea vegetable deserves to be on your plate. While the iodine content of wakame1 varies depending on where it is harvested, on average it has about 42 mcg of iodine per gram. The recommended daily allowance of iodine2 for adults is 150 mcg.  Just be aware that excessive iodine may actually worsen thyroid symptoms in some and can even lead to hyperthyroidism. So, talk with your health care provider about finding the most helpful level of iodine for you. Interestingly, the effect may be prevalent in children as well. In a study of 459 healthy children, those who 4consumed moderate to high levels of seaweed daily had lower blood pressure4. Additionally, wakame’s 5polyphenols exert similar anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits5 as green tea’s catechin EGCG. In humans, a study7 found those who consumed 4 to 6 grams of seaweed a day had lower blood pressure and waist circumference, both contributors to metabolic syndrome.  Seaweed is often high in sodium, and, despite potential blood pressure-lowering properties, it may not be beneficial for all with high blood pressure. Rinsing and soaking in water can help to eliminate excess sodium. Sea vegetables like wakame can contain heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium, so it is imperative to choose seaweed grown in regions with strict water pollution standards and from companies that regularly test for contaminants.   Natalie loves spending time with her husband and three children in the kitchen, garden and in nature. She is a foodie at heart and loves most cuisines, but especially spicy Indian and Thai.

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