As an integrative neurologist who sees firsthand how devastating chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease can be, I can say with certainty that the glymphatic system an area of health we can’t afford to overlook. Here, I offer some insight into how the glymphatic system works and how you can optimize it with simple dietary and lifestyle changes—boosting cognition and reducing your risk for neurodegenerative diseases in the process. But why exactly would the brain need a waste removal mechanism? The brain, as with our other organs, produces waste as part of a natural activation of biochemical pathways. All enzymatic reactions within the body can produce waste compounds (e.g., proteins, reactive oxygen species, excessive ions, and others) that are not necessarily needed for other functions and are therefore compounded and degraded. Indeed, neurodegenerative diseases are very commonly associated with a buildup of these by-products of cellular metabolism that are not appropriately packaged and excreted.  Research has shown that the glymphatic system is more efficient and robust when our hearts are pumping, our blood is flowing, our bodies are moving, and our brains are getting regular restorative sleep. In fact, the glymphatic system is most active during reparative sleep stages, clearing out inflammatory mediators and allowing for necessary restoration and rejuvenation to take place. My advice: Go to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This applies to weekdays and weekends! A few ways to make sure this actually happens: Get morning light before 10 a.m. to support your body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, exercise every day, and eat your meals at regular times if possible. Our brains are circadian organs and thrive on rhythm (it’s why babies and toddlers develop well with a regular routine), so the more we can simulate a circadian rhythm, the better chance we have of good sleep. Can’t seem to get to sleep? Try amber or orange-hued glasses that block sleep-disrupting blue light, or consider one of these natural sleep aids. Additionally, I often recommend my patients consider additional modalities that can improve oxygenation and decrease inflammation throughout the body such as infrared saunas, hyperbaric oxygen, and cranial-sacral massage therapies.

5 Ways To Boost Brain Health Through The Gylmphatic System - 495 Ways To Boost Brain Health Through The Gylmphatic System - 775 Ways To Boost Brain Health Through The Gylmphatic System - 59