Among these hyper-perceptive clients who pick up easily on subtle physical stimuli (the noise in a room) or even emotional and energetic stimuli (the happiness of the lovers strolling down the street), I started to notice a dominant soul archetype among certain sensitive clients—the earth angel. Check out my new book Are You an Earth Angel?, and read through these fun earth angel types to see if you recognize yourself in one. Best part: You can create intimacy with new people quickly, having friends with many backgrounds and world views, and all you have to do is hold a safe, grounded, loving space for folks to share. Challenging aspect: You might become drained if too many people want to confide in you. Put boundaries on how many people you listen to every day or for how long. Remember that healer earth angels don’t have to act in a profession or role that is traditionally thought of as a healer. You might heal family dynamics in your own tribe or help heal people’s finances as an accountant or money coach. Best part: Healers experience a bit of healing themselves every time they help someone else. Challenging aspect: Remember that you’re not meant to “fix” everyone or heal every wound. Simply share your expertise, assistance, and guidance to help people on a healing journey. You might live on a farm, on the beach, or in the mountains. Stewarding one particular piece of land or working to create a more green and sustainable world that honors nature as sacred fills you with energy and purpose. Best part: Just being in nature, or surrounded by nature elements like plants and flowers, makes you feel more calm, grounded, and expansive. Challenging aspect: It can be hard for nature earth angels to live in a place where they are not immersed in nature. If you live in a big city, find a great park, start a kitchen herb garden, or make periodic weekend getaways to a nearby location with lots of nature. How needed you are in the world today and always, helping to make this planet a better place for all people, nature, and animals. Best part: You are a passionate person who feels connected to everyone and everything. Your idealism raises the collective bar and inspires others to be better people. Challenging aspect: Things that are unfair in the world make you angry, and that’s an uncomfortable feeling. Use your frustration as motivation to take meaningful action, feeling peace knowing you are making a difference. You consider carefully what you put into your creative endeavors and out into the world, wanting to be a positive influence. All sensitive people, like empaths, can benefit from having a creative outlet, as it is an excellent retreat and recovery time for your sensitive system. Best part: You’re full of ideas, and your naturally strong intuition helps you be imaginative and inventive. Challenging aspect: Creative projects can take on tough and painful subjects, like a documentary on refugees. Sometimes you may be called to interact with or reveal very difficult things to heal with your creativity. Best part: It’s a magical and unique ability to connect with an animal’s soul. Challenging aspect: When animals are not treated with respect and kindness, it can be very upsetting. Advocate for the humane treatment of animals and share with others your views on the importance of animal welfare. You may be the rock of your office or family, or the helpful person who opens doors for strangers and writes your congressperson about better conditions for all. Whether you are volunteering at a charity or babysitting for a neighbor, you get a lot of good stuff done. Best part: The tangible proof that you are a positive force in the world—a force to be reckoned with! Challenging aspect: Even people with an enormous amount of energy and capacity to give can experience burnout. Schedule restorative time into your calendar too! Best part: You love to support others and can be deeply admired and appreciated by the folks in your orbit. Challenging aspect: Make sure to have some relationships where you are receiving more, and remind yourself that it’s OK to be compensated for your caregiving, whether that’s compliments or financial compensation. You might see “2” and “8” in your mind, have the thought “No. 7” pop into your mind, or get a strong feeling about the number 3. This may provide a hint about your earth angel type(s).  

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