Many people have come to me in the last few months to share pandemic nightmares, times when they’ve woken up in a sweat and wondered about what it meant. Have they had a premonition of something real? Is it just a collective unconscious reaction? Or is all the binge-watching and comfort food just getting to their head? As a clairvoyant, here is the advice I’d give to anyone having apocalyptic dreams or visions right now: For example, one client of mine had a dream once that his parents crashed in a small plane over Italy. “My parents have never been to Italy,” he said. “What could this mean?” I told him to check the news, and, sure enough, the night he had this dream, a small plane did crash over Italy. It’s pretty common for us to personalize everything. He was right about the vision; it just wasn’t about him. When our intuition grows, we’re often shown a slice of life about illness, accidents, people being fired or divorced or cheating. Why are we privy to this information? Are we supposed to intervene? Did we cause it by seeing it? No: We are a witness and have a choice about how to act. As you trust your intuition, you will see things that are not pleasant because that’s real life. People get sick, people cheat, accidents happen, we get extreme weather, trains go off the rails, etc. You will also intuit good things. It’s not selective. If something creates fear, step back from it. If something rings true and resonates after reflection, heed it. Time will show you what’s real. 

A Clairvoyant On How Examine Your Scary Visions   Nightmares - 5A Clairvoyant On How Examine Your Scary Visions   Nightmares - 36A Clairvoyant On How Examine Your Scary Visions   Nightmares - 72A Clairvoyant On How Examine Your Scary Visions   Nightmares - 4