It’s amazing just how powerful our bodies are. Even though colostrum is produced in small amounts, it is extremely high in important nutrients making it easy for newborns to digest. Everything in colostrum helps the baby thrive in their first few days of life. No wonder it’s often referred to as nature’s “first food.” Even though it may be a seemingly new concept for us today, adults have used bovine colostrum for thousands of years, particularly in the field of ayurvedic medicine. And after all, in reality bovine colostrum is just a more nutrient-dense version of what we have been encouraged to drink for years—you know, to achieve strong bones and all that. But if this still sounds a little bit too far out there for you, let’s nerd out a bit and look at all the fun research on the benefits of bovine colostrum, all of which I have seen firsthand in my functional medicine clinic. Maybe I’ll even convince you to add this supplement to your wellness routine. Years of stress, toxins, and unhealthy food can lead to leaky gut syndrome, a condition in which your intestinal lining is compromised and allows food particles and bacterial endotoxins known as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to pass into the blood stream. These invaders create a cascade of inflammation, increasing your risk for chronic health problems—autoimmune conditions included. Studies have shown that lactoferrin can actually bind to endotoxins to neutralize their effect and reduce inflammation, especially in cases of psoriasis3 and other diseases associated with increased endotoxin activity. Additionally, lactoferrin is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It has the ability to inhibit pathogenic growth9 by actually binding the bacterial and viral cells in order to prevent their entry into the body’s cell. Ultimately, this is just the tip of the iceberg for bovine colostrum’s benefits. As colostrum continues to create more buzz in the wellness world, there will undoubtedly be more studies done to examine the direct effects of supplementation for adults. If you are interested in taking a colostrum supplement, look for ones derived from grass-fed cows or ones not treated with artificial growth hormones. As of now there is no recommended daily dosage or known side effects of supplementation. Next up: Check out some more amazing benefits of colostrum.

Bovine Colostrum  The Gut Healing Supplement - 85Bovine Colostrum  The Gut Healing Supplement - 5Bovine Colostrum  The Gut Healing Supplement - 1Bovine Colostrum  The Gut Healing Supplement - 85