This type is also known as “the debater,” according to licensed therapist De-Andrea Blaylock-Solar, MSW, LCSW-S, CST, characterized by their telltale love of deconstructing ideas and playing devil’s advocate. They’re even willing to scrutinize their own deeply held beliefs for the sake of analysis, she says. If you’re looking for someone to pick apart a concept with, find an ENTP—just don’t take it personally if they say something blunt. As Nardi explains, they can come off as arrogant, but they’re typically not coming from a malicious place. Rather, they’re simply in it for the sake of information and understanding. “They can be seen as being insensitive because they’re leaning so much into reason, and not as much as feeling,” Blaylock-Solar adds. But don’t let that scare you off—ENTPs are also open-minded, curious, and invested in their own personal growth, and they can make great friends or partners (if you can handle their brashness). Blaylock-Solar does add, however, that their propensity for so many different subjects can make it challenging for them to focus on one thing, and especially practical matters, “because they’re always looking at the big picture.” Nardi, too, notes that this type can be a bit disorganized and, in his words, “all hat, no cattle” (aka, a lot of talk with no action). According to both him and Blaylock-Solar, the ENTP’s tendency toward being argumentative is also something to watch out for in the relationship context. “They tend to debate as opposed to considering the feelings of their partner, so that’s definitely an area for growth,” Blaylock-Solar says. “But because they’re willing to push the boundaries on traditions and be open-minded and spontaneous, that can be a really good asset within relationships.” Given that both personal growth and intellectual stimulation are important to this type, Blaylock-Solar also says these things will be a priority within relationships, too. “These are folks who are looking for novelty and adventure, so if you’re partnered with one, you want to think about how you can keep that novelty present in the long term,” she says. That said, Nardi notes that some ENTPs may actually feel a need to “one-up” their partners intellectually. “They can be a disorganized, exciting, untrustworthy mess,” he says, adding, “They tend to have issues around emotional safety, and if they don’t take responsibility for their emotions, then they will see their partner and other people as causing their emotions.” And as far as compatibility with other MBTI types, Nardi says ENTPs are most compatible with INFJs first and foremost, as well as ENFJs, and the other NT and NP types, like INTJs, INTPs, and ENFPs. “However, relationships with other NTs can get competitive and don’t leave so much room for growth. ESFJ and ESTJ are worthwhile stretches, if even to date for the experience of it,” he notes, adding the least compatible type is “probably ISFP.” “Any time there’s a specific problem that needs to be fixed—and maybe even requires a level of creativity to come up with solutions—those types of careers would be really suited to them,” Blaylock-Solar says. Thanks to their analytical nature, they’ll always incorporate it into their career in some way, Nardi explains, adding this quality definitely predisposes them to the sciences. “A big thing [for them] is entrepreneurship—going out and sharing their ideas and seeing what emerges from that. If they get the right training—that is, effective mental models—they can be excellent with people,” he adds. Blaylock-Solar adds that ENTPs also aren’t huge on authority, as they can be pretty independent. “So having a position where they have autonomy will be really helpful, especially if they tend to be a bit argumentative,” she adds.

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