Our brains are filled with GABA receptors. When activated, these receptors trigger a chain reaction that reduces neural firing and brain cell activity. “GABA interaction with its receptors increases the threshold for cells to become reactive. It relaxes the cells and inhibits reactivity,” explains integrative neurologist Ilene Ruhoy, M.D., Ph.D.. When this happens, our stress response dulls, our brains quiet down, and we slip into rest and relaxation mode. Exercising, eating a healthy diet, and practicing relaxation techniques are all ways to support healthy GABA levels in the body naturally. For times when you want to activate this calming response on demand—say, right before bed—you can also take a targeted source: supplemental GABA.* While endogenous (naturally produced) GABA is more effective at activating inhibitory brain receptors, there is promising evidence that supplemental GABA can also cross the blood-brain barrier and contribute to a relaxation response, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.* Though, as concluded in a 2020 systemic review1, more research is needed since there have been variable study designs and some with small sample sizes in clinicals testing GABA supplements and sleep. In a follow-up study from the same investigation2 on eight people with a fear of heights, the team found that participants who took a GABA supplement were able to stay more relaxed—as shown by the stress indicator salivary IgA—than those who took a placebo when walking across an elevated suspension bridge.* This clinical trial also proved that GABA in the supplemental form was effectively and quickly absorbed (peaking in the blood at 30 minutes after ingestion). As such, “it is recommended that each individual speaks to their doctor first before starting supplementation to obtain guidance,” Ruhoy notes. Your dose will also depend on the type of GABA supplement you are taking. The majority of clinical trials on supplemental GABA and sleep have focused on PharmaGABA®, a naturally sourced form of GABA that is produced through a fermentation process.* The clinical trial that tested GABA’s calming impact2 on the brain found that it had activated slower brainwaves after 60 minutes, suggesting that taking a supplement an hour before bed will be effective.* However, the 2016 sleep research4 found that it can kick in even faster, reaching its highest level in the blood after only 30 minutes. Whether that blood peak timing corresponds to the sleep-supportive effects (or that comes a bit after) is not known and likely varies from person to person. As with many sleep supplements, you’ll want to tailor the timing of this one to your unique sleep needs. Those who have trouble falling asleep may want to take it earlier in the evening, within a one- to two-hour window, while those who have trouble staying asleep might opt to wait until closer to bedtime. Supplements that combine GABA with other relaxing minerals and botanicals may also be effective (perhaps incrementally so given their synergistic actions) for sleep.* Darley notes that GABA combined with L-theanine has been shown to help sleep in animal research5 and her clinical experience.* Magnesium is another sleep supporter that binds to GABA receptors in the brain6, making it a clear pairing for GABA.* (Hence why mindbodygreen chose to include both GABA and magnesium bisglycinate in our sleep formula, sleep support+).* “Because GABA can slightly lower blood pressure and acts on neurotransmitters, people on blood-pressure-lowering medications or antidepressants should be cautious,” adds Darley. mbg’s director of scientific affairs, Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN concludes that, “GABA, and PharmaGABA® specifically, has a strong safety profile, so while side effects or interactions are possible for certain individuals, that would be uncommon.” Ferira goes onto share that, “In the scientific literature7, a small subset of study participants report experiencing mild GI discomfort, while even fewer may experience headache. Still others report drowsiness, which might be viewed by some as a helpful benefit for sleep, not a side effect.” And always, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should use extra caution when starting the supplement and be sure to consult a doctor first, as GABA supplements haven’t been researched in these life stages. Emma received her B.A. in Environmental Science & Policy with a specialty in environmental communications from Duke University. In addition to penning over 1,000 mbg articles on topics from the water crisis in California to the rise of urban beekeeping, her work has appeared on Grist, Bloomberg News, Bustle, and Forbes. She’s spoken about the intersection of self-care and sustainability on podcasts and live events alongside environmental thought leaders like Marci Zaroff, Gay Browne, and Summer Rayne Oakes.

GABA Dosage For Sleep  How Much To Take   How It Works  - 19GABA Dosage For Sleep  How Much To Take   How It Works  - 92GABA Dosage For Sleep  How Much To Take   How It Works  - 83GABA Dosage For Sleep  How Much To Take   How It Works  - 63