As numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic Code Kaitlyn Kaerhart tells mbg, numerology is similar to astrology in that it’s an ancient branch of esoteric wisdom, but rather than studying the planets, it’s all about numbers. According to numerologist Michelle Buchanan, Western numerology, which was created by Greek mystic and mathematician Pythagoras, is the most popular system used today. “Other numerology systems include Kabbalistic, Chinese, Tamil/Indian, and Chaldean, which date back even further,” she previously wrote for mbg. In numerology, every number is thought to carry a unique energetic vibration. “Numerology studies the way these vibrations influence the story of your life and personality,” Buchanan adds. All you need to know is your full date of birth. Let’s use the birthday March 29, 1969, as an example. You’ll start by writing out your full birth date, including the full year. (So or this example, 1969 and not just 69). Add up each of the digits, and continue adding them until you get a single-digit life path number between one and nine. March 29, 1969 (or 3-29-1969), would give you: 3+2+9+1+9+6+9 = 39. From there, 3+9 = 12, and 1+2 = 3. So, this birthday has a life path number 3. Master numbers are associated with struggle but, with that, achievement as well. Kaerhart explains that master numbers have heavy energy, as well as heavier lessons, giving these folks a lot of depth and great potential. As an example, you might think 22 would reduce to four, or “the builder” life path—but 22 is actually like a supercharged four, she says, making them the “master architect.” Here’s a closer look at master numbers 11, 22, and 33. With that said, the idea behind these numbers is that seeing them pop up as you go about your day can be taken as a divine sign from the universe or your guides. Here are the common interpretations of the nine most well-known angel numbers, according to professional intuitive and the author of Angel Intuition Tanya Carroll Richardson. And for what it’s worth, 222 is also associated with harmonious partnerships, from business to romance.

Guide To Numerology  What It Is   Finding Your Life Path Number - 14Guide To Numerology  What It Is   Finding Your Life Path Number - 16Guide To Numerology  What It Is   Finding Your Life Path Number - 95Guide To Numerology  What It Is   Finding Your Life Path Number - 53Guide To Numerology  What It Is   Finding Your Life Path Number - 30