Here’s how often men between ages 25 and 29 masturbate, according to 2009 data from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, as collected by FiveThirtyEight: “There is a ton of variation in how much people masturbate, and it fluctuates throughout our lives due to things like health, stress, schedule, desire, partnerships with others, and so forth,” sex and relationship therapist Shadeen Francis, LMFT, tells mbg. Masturbation is a common and very low-risk habit, and in fact, masturbation comes with many health benefits. In general, people should masturbate as often as it feels good for them. “You should masturbate whenever you want to and have the time and privacy to do so,” Francis says. “Pleasure is healthy.” A 2016 study found men who ejaculate 21 times a month or more were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, compared to people who ejaculated four to seven times per month. That isn’t to say everyone must masturbate that often; it’s just a signal that regular masturbation can be beneficial to overall health. “There is no objective measure of how much anyone should masturbate,” Francis explains. “Your health is an individual consideration. If your masturbation habits are causing you mental, emotional, relational, or physical distress, that is an indicator that you may be masturbating more than is currently healthy for you.” Here are a few signs your current masturbation habits may not be serving you, according to Francis: The biggest risks of frequent masturbation have more to do with how a person masturbates than how often they do it, Francis explains. For example, she notes there’s a chance of tissue damage or skin irritation if a person masturbates really vigorously without enough lubrication. (Soreness, tenderness, swelling, or bruising would be signs if this were the case, she adds.) A person can also get used to a particular type of stimulation or stroke. “If a person enjoys masturbating in a specific routinized way (e.g., always sitting in a chair, or to pornography, or with a tight fist) and only masturbates in that way, they may notice difficulty maintaining their [erection] or reaching orgasm in partnered sex if it doesn’t mirror what they do when they’re alone,” Francis explains. “To avoid this potential risk, men can try switching things up every so often in their masturbation practice, and they also could add in some of their solo play activities to partnered sex!” If you’re currently trying to conceive and begin a pregnancy, masturbation can affect sperm count and quality. As Brahmbhatt explains, if you’ve recently ejaculated, your next ejaculation may have a lower volume of fluid, a lower sperm count, and a lower concentration of sperm because your body may not have had enough time to build back its sperm (and sperm fluids) just yet. “When patients have to give us a semen sample, we ask them to refrain from ejaculation for two days prior to giving us a sample,” he notes. “If you have a normal system, you should always have some sperm in your ejaculate, even if you have emptied five times in one day. You may just not have a high count of sperm.” For some people, some potential benefits of not masturbating may include: In general, masturbation is a healthy, safe, and normal habit, and most people don’t have to worry about masturbating “too much.” If your masturbation habits are causing you any physical or emotional trouble, reach out to a professional who can help. You may also want to consider adjusting your masturbation frequency if you’re trying to conceive, to last longer in bed, or to reach orgasm more easily. Otherwise, whatever feels good to you probably is good for you. With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. She’s particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting with others. She believes relationships should be easy—and that, with room for self-reflection and the right toolkit, they can be. You can stay in the loop about her latest programs, gatherings, and other projects through her newsletter:

How Often Men Masturbate  What s Healthy vs   Too Much  - 1How Often Men Masturbate  What s Healthy vs   Too Much  - 8How Often Men Masturbate  What s Healthy vs   Too Much  - 44How Often Men Masturbate  What s Healthy vs   Too Much  - 56How Often Men Masturbate  What s Healthy vs   Too Much  - 22