Yet it’s vitally important for all of us to be able to be alone with ourselves and still feel peaceful and full within. Self-abandonment is the true source of feelings of aloneness and emptiness. It happens when you ignore your feelings, judge yourself, numb with various addictions, or hope someone else will take responsibility for your feelings. When you focus on truly connecting with yourself rather than abandoning yourself, you might discover that you actually enjoy being alone. Sometimes people feel this inner connection with meditation, yet often when they are done meditating, they again feel the alone and empty feeling of inner disconnection. With social distancing, it’s important to be able to maintain your inner and spiritual connection all day. Instead of trying to avoid any of your difficult feelings, move toward them, imagining that they are your inner child—your feeling soul self—communicating with you through feelings. Feelings other than peace and fullness inside—such as anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, anger, or emptiness—are the way your soul lets you know that you are abandoning yourself. The answer might not come immediately, but if you stay open, the answer will come. Spirit is always here guiding us in our highest good, and opening to learning with your higher guidance will eventually let you know that you are never alone—that you are always being guided toward your highest good. This is so helpful in learning to love being alone. There is much to learn about what is loving to you, and what better time to learn it than now? You will also find that the more you learn to connect with yourself and your higher guidance, the more you will find joy in connecting with others virtually. This is because, instead of trying to get your emptiness filled, you are already filled with love and can receive great joy from sharing your love with others.

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