Of course, it’s totally normal to have elevated stress right now. But too much cortisol for a sustained period of time it can be a major contributor to declining health. Yet, cortisol is also required for us to be alive1. Our body likes to be in homeostasis both mentally and physically, so while a little bit of stress helps regulate our systems, diseases caused by stress occur when things go out of balance for too long. It is highest from about 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. to help us wake up, and then it declines throughout the day. As cortisol falls during the evening, melatonin—our most potent endogenous antioxidant and sleep hormone—rises at a similar rate and the two hormones work inversely, creating a natural sleep-wake rhythm for optimal function. Cortisol is a huge part of our body’s “fight or flight” response, which is activated in times of high stress—like running from a bear. When this stress response is triggered, our bodies divert blood flow to ensure we can breathe and move effectively to stay alive. However—as we are not usually running from a bear in modern times—stressors can be due to factors such as underlying disease (e.g., hormone imbalance, obesity), poor diet, poor sleep, unhealthy relationships, suppressed emotions, emotional stress, and chemicals in the environment (e.g., skin products, pollution). Chronic cortisol production keeps our bodies in “fight or flight” mode and forces us to de-prioritize bodily functions like reproduction (e.g., fertility, regular menses, libido), digestion, and rest. Balancing cortisol levels is further complicated by the fact that cortisol is affected by hypothyroidism2, obesity, high estrogen, and type 2 diabetes. Cortisol testing is ideally done through methods that measure it unbound, such as in the saliva or dried urine. Both can be done at different times throughout the day, providing a more accurate picture of someone’s stress response and how it relates to an optimal cortisol curve of highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Serum (blood) testing, on the other hand, measures both bound and unbound but may be complicated with the stress of needles, perhaps leading to false elevation. It’s important to note that chronic cortisol elevations did not happen overnight, so it’s going to take some time and effort to bring back balance. Part of this process will be communicating to our bodies that everything is okay. Our body thrives on rhythm, so when it knows what’s going to happen, there’s no need to worry or stress. Maintaining a regular bedtime between 10:30 and 11 p.m. allows cortisol to drop to a point where an optimal amount of melatonin is being produced, and this can help ensure high-quality sleep. Getting at least seven and a half to nine hours of sleep per night also helps weight loss efforts and leptin response, which are related to cortisol. (mbg’s sleep support+ supplement may also acts as a natural sleep aid, to help you fall asleep and establish a healthy routine.) A healthy diet brimming with vegetables, fruits, healthy fats like avocado, fiber like ground chia seeds, and protein (vegetarian or non-vegetarian) will provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals needed to address processes involved in elevated cortisol. Epsom salt baths are rich in magnesium, and some salts contain lavender, a known herb to invoke a sense of calm and relaxation6. Consider adding in mindfulness techniques such as asking yourself in times of stress, “Am I in imminent danger?” as well as lifestyle techniques like more movement and stretching-type exercises like yoga or tai chi versus bootcamp-like activity. It might also be wise to decrease caffeine intake if you’re trying to lower cortisol. Healing takes time. If your conditions are not improving, work with a knowledgeable health care practitioner to further assess your condition, order appropriate lab work, and devise a plan that takes into account herb, drug, and nutrient interactions.

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