Go with whichever crystal resonates most with you and incorporate its healing energy into your day by holding it during meditation, keeping it on your bedside table, or even placing it in the pocket of your jeans so it’s close to your pleasure center. Just note that many OB/GYNs advise against using jade eggs, or at least suggest not keeping them inside your body for long periods of time, as this may actually create tension on your pelvic floor muscles. Here’s more on how to safely use a jade egg. Like with jade eggs, crystal dildos do come with some health concerns: Crystal is generally very porous, meaning they can be like sponges for bacteria and very hard to sterilize. It may be possible to seal crystal sex toys to make them safer for bodies, but the sex toy industry isn’t regulated, so it’s hard to really know. Make sure to do your research on whether your sex toy is safe; if you’re not sure, play it safe and keep it as part of your spiritual masturbation routine without actually inserting it into your body. So grab your crystals, think sexy affirmations, and get going!

How To Use Crystals To Help Enhance Your Sex Life - 55How To Use Crystals To Help Enhance Your Sex Life - 63How To Use Crystals To Help Enhance Your Sex Life - 17How To Use Crystals To Help Enhance Your Sex Life - 84