More peer-reviewed research still needs to be done regarding the efficacy of essential oils, but anecdotally they seem to be helpful for many people and unlike prescription anxiety meditations, they come with few side effects. While essential oils cannot cure an anxiety disorder, they can help support a better mood and positively affect the body and mind. Here are a few ideas about how to use them the next time you feel anxiousness come on. When you regularly practice deep breathing, it becomes second nature, so I recommend scheduling breathing pauses throughout your day. Start by practicing the following deep breathing routine at the top of each hour, pairing it with the calming essential oil of your choice. Lavender is my favorite essential oil to pair with this ritual (bonus, it also tends to be an affordable oil!). I’ll take a whiff before getting started and let the effects of the inhaled oil circulate through my body as I go: One of the most effective trios of essential oils for massage include lavender, bergamot, and frankincense. Mix one drop each of the three essential oils in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and dab on pulse points (behind the ears, temples, wrists, ankles, over heart, etc.) and down décolletage. Avoid rubbing near the eyes. Throw in your deep breathing for the ultimate aromatherapeutic stress and tension relief.

How To Use Essential Oils To Combat Anxiety  6 Smart Strategies - 13How To Use Essential Oils To Combat Anxiety  6 Smart Strategies - 2How To Use Essential Oils To Combat Anxiety  6 Smart Strategies - 99How To Use Essential Oils To Combat Anxiety  6 Smart Strategies - 76