Not to mention, reflexology can help you unwind from a long day and release stresses that can lower arousal levels1. When done correctly, stimulating areas on the feet creates pleasurable sensations throughout the body. And just like lovemaking, reflexology can be a total immersion with your partner.  Setting the mood for lovemaking starts well before sex. Fun, light conversation with your partner, softly lit candles, your favorite romantic music, the aroma of essential oils from a diffuser, and reflexology can all help to create an environment conducive to sensual, satisfying sex. After-play is equally important: Rather than jumping up after lovemaking, reflexology can help you stay physically and emotionally connected for continued bonding.

  1. Relax your partner’s feet, one at a time, by pressing, squeezing, lightly slapping, gently kneading—whatever feels good to them. Finish by pressing and holding your thumb on their solar plexus points of each foot for 5 to 10 seconds.
  2. On the bottom of each foot, “walk” your thumb up from the base of their heel to each toe, using tiny movements (imagine your thumb is a caterpillar inching up your foot), then press into these points with the outer edge of your thumb, or tip of your forefinger. Sharing the experience of reflexology enhances intimacy and prepares you both for exhilarating lovemaking. Transport yourselves into pleasure together—feet first!

How To Use Foot Reflexology To Have Great Sex - 24How To Use Foot Reflexology To Have Great Sex - 90How To Use Foot Reflexology To Have Great Sex - 29How To Use Foot Reflexology To Have Great Sex - 81