Looking for a youthful glow? Let’s dive into how ceramides can help and the science behind adding phytoceramides to your beauty and supplement routine.*  If you think of the skin barrier as “bricks and mortar,” ceramides are part of the mortar holding it all together—50%, in fact2. They play a huge role in keeping your skin moisturized, glowing, and youthful.* That is, of course, until they don’t. If you want to get to the root of wrinkles and dry skin, look to the loss of ceramides. As we age, we naturally stop producing as many ceramides, compromising the skin barrier—and it shows. Without the glue to hold our skin together environmental toxins can get in and moisture can get out: yikes. Dry skin, irritation, and wrinkles1 can all be blamed on declining ceramides. Plus, many other skin-related issues3 have been linked to low ceramide levels.  Ceramides a very popular ingredient in skin care items, specifically in creams and serums. They are in the form of phytoceramides (which are extracted from several types of botanicals including corn, oats, and wheat) or synthetic. If you prefer natural origins only, just look for how the ceramides were sourced (usually they’ll tell you if they come from natural origin). Otherwise, you can find safe, clean, modern, synthetic options too.   In addition, you should be snagging your phytoceramides from supplements for optimal benefits.* Phytoceramides are common ingredient in beauty supplements, as they play such an important role in skin health. Research indicates that when used consistently, they can keep your skin hydrated long term by naturally supporting stores from the inside out.* Additionally, wheat, rice, and eggs5 are all dietary sources of ceramides and their precursor, sphingolipids, but ceramides are poorly absorbed in general digestion. If you want more info how getting ceramides through your diet, check out our list beelow. However, popping a phytoceramide supplement seems to be the way to go when it comes to really maximizing systemic moisturizing benefits.* In one study, participants with clinically dry skin who took a phytoceramide-rich wheat extract oil for three months saw up to a 35% improvement in skin hydration9.* And you might not even have to wait that long for results; in a study of Ceramosides®, a specific brand of phytoceramides made in France, participants saw improved skin hydration after just 15 days10.* Whether you’re looking to combat already dehydrated skin or be proactive against dryness, consider adding phytoceramides to your skin care arsenal.* The healthy aging powers of phytoceramides, and specifically the brand Ceramosides®, have been borne out in studies, showing improved skin smoothness and elasticity10 in just weeks.* Of course, phytoceramides are not a magical fountain of youth, and wrinkles are a natural part of aging. But keeping your skin healthy and hydrated can certainly give you a youthful glow.  Ceramides are the first line of defense against harmful environmental toxins, protecting your skin from damage.* Supporting your ceramides with phytoceramide supplements can reinforcing that barrier from the inside.* Topically, there’s really no limit to what you can apply as long as your skin agrees with the cream or serum. McDonough has developed & lead nutrition education programming in schools. She’s covered a wide range of topics as a health & nutrition reporter from the rise in the use of psychedelics for depression to the frustrating trend in shorter doctors’ appointments and the connection between diet and disease.

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