And listen, consistently having smooth skin takes patience, consistency, and—if we’re being honest—a pinch of luck. Smooth skin may feel effortless—but it hardly ever actually is. Not to mention, there are a plethora of reasons your skin feels less than taut. Texture issues can arise from acne (in the form of pimples and pustules—or later as scars), rosacea (a common misdiagnosed symptom is small, whitehead like bumps), eczema (those notorious dry, flaky patches), enlarged pores (which can create rougher, orange-peel-like skin), and fine lines (which create etches and folds). And what will work for acne may not work for something like eczema. Oh, we must also mention that many people have a blend of a few skin conditions or concerns—so finding the right routine takes some smart cocktailing. All of this is to say: Achieving smooth skin involves, well, a bit of nuance. And on the flip side, additional problems arise when you remove too much of that layer, as that will inhibit skin-barrier function. That’s why finding an appropriate balance for your skin is key! “The most important tip is that ’less is more.’ You want to exfoliate just enough to increase cell turnover and reveal fresh new skin,” Ife Rodney, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Eternal Dermatology, previously told us about exfoliating too much. “But be sure to not scratch or damage your skin by overusing these devices or products.” Let us remind you: Damaged skin appears uneven as well.  She notes that the breakdown usually goes as follows: Those with oily skin can tolerate about three times a week, those with combination or “normal” skin can likely stand two, and those with sensitive or dry skin should only do once—if that.  If you’re looking for exfoliators, there are certainly plenty of options available. Look for one suitable for your skin type. If you have dry or irritation-prone skin, a gentle lactic acid should be your go-to as it acts as a humectant as well as an exfoliator. Glycolic acid, another AHA, is great for those with combo skin: It’s a little stronger than lactic but still has hydrating properties. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, reach for the BHA salicylic, which can break down oil.  To start, you want to look for fatty acids, which act as the building blocks for the cells—they can help build up a strong skin barrier, resulting in a smoothed-out appearance. You can also opt for things like ceramides, which are naturally occurring lipids in the skin; these can help mend damage in the lipid barrier (which can be the result of eczema). Or you can try the popular squalane. This lipid is also naturally found in your skin’s sebum and is something of a multitasker: Research shows some advantages for the skin as an emollient and antioxidant and for hydration1.  Finally, look for potent antioxidants like vitamins C and E. Not only do these antioxidants prevent free radical damage, or the source of many texture issues to begin with, but together they can help produce and stabilize precious collagen. As Julia T. Hunter, M.D., founder of Wholistic Dermatology in Beverly Hills previously told us: “If you don’t have vitamin C, your collagen can’t cross-link to lift and tighten skin.” Collagen, which we’ll dive into a bit deeper later, is a structural protein in the skin that keeps things in place—when we lose it, skin will sag, pores appear larger, and we develop wrinkles.  Retinols are not for everyone—some will simply find them too irritating to use—but there are plenty of modern variations and strengths out there, so most people will likely be able to find one that works with their skin type. If you find yourself in need of a stronger version, you can visit your derm for a prescription (like Retin-A), or you can find an OTC version buffered with hydrating actives.  Oh my, and speaking of hydrating. By keeping skin moisturized, you’re accomplishing a few things. The first is that you’re keeping your dermis full of water, which keeps you looking youthful, plump, and vibrant. From there, hydration helps support skin-barrier function. When your skin-barrier function is compromised, or just generally weak, a whole host of problems arise, most of which can lead to texture changes in the skin. And as a result of all this moisturizing, you can actually help prevent premature fine lines.  Hydrated skin also leads to reduced breakouts. By now, I feel most of us have stopped buying into the myth that acne-prone folk can’t moisturize. However, they just may not be aware of how important hydration is to treat acne. When your skin is dehydrated, inflammation tends to follow. That inflammation, says Yoon, “can release a hormone that can actually tell your sebaceous glands to produce more oil.” It doesn’t stop there: According to Yoon, this hormone can also kick-start what’s known as retention hyperkeratosis2—where dead skin cells become cohesive and don’t shed as normal (almost like they’re “stuck” to your face). And when those dead skin cells become trapped within your pores (along with the excess sebum mentioned above), that can lead to concerns like sebum plugs, blackheads, even inflamed pustules.  Biome ingredients work with your skin’s natural microflora to naturally balance out the living organisms on the skin, resulting in better barrier function and reduced irritation. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and oxidative damage, which is the primary cause of inflammation of the skin externally.  Not only that, but lack of sleep throws our bodies into oxidative stress, which can cause chronic inflammation if your poor sleeping habits are long term. You’ll likely start to see changes in your skin like sallowness, dullness, breakouts, and signs of premature aging.  On the flip side, you can actually eat to benefit your skin by eating low-inflammation foods (to avoid the dreaded “leaky gut”), as well as antioxidants (to protect the body from free radicals), as well as nutrients to hydrate internally.  Of course, it’s not always feasible for everyone—that we understand—but if it is within your means and you live in a location with access to an expert, it may be worth a visit. 

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