When toxins are not converted into easily removable compounds within the liver, they can stay around in the body longer and may take an alternative route to the brain, nerves, various glands, or other biological tissues—all of which can lead to health implications down the road. (Yikes!) As the body’s primary detox organ, the liver eliminates toxins we take in from our environment and lifestyle (e.g., chemicals, pollutants, heavy metals, alcohol, etc.) by biotransforming them into water-soluble compounds that can be excreted through urine and by incorporating fat-soluble compounds into bile for elimination via feces. Though the liver is just one part of the body’s complex detoxification pathways, its health and function are essential for optimal detoxification, whole-body health, and even longevity. RELATED: How Common Toxins Affect Liver Health + A Supplement That Can Help Liver supplements are designed to aid the liver’s detoxifying actions, so it can help filter, bind, and remove unwanted compounds efficiently and effectively.  Many liver supplements include antioxidant ingredients because they help remove not only toxins, but free radicals as well (some of which are a byproduct of healthy liver function).*  Here are some vitamins, minerals, herbs, and bioactives with antioxidant properties you should look for in a liver detox supplement:* Unlike detox drinks and liquid cleanse diet fads, the best liver detox supplements help bolster liver health and function 24/7 with targeted bioactives to promote liver and whole-body detoxification pathways.* RELATED: Detoxification Isn’t A Fad — It Happens In Your Body 24/7 & Here’s How To Support It daily detox+, mindbodygreen ($59/month) Super Milk Thistle® X, Integrative Therapeutics ($44) Organic Longevity Mushrooms, Cymbiotika ($60) Liver, Revive ($55) Liver Detox, Swisse ($36) organic veggies+, mindbodygreen ($49/month) Liver-G.I. Detox, Pure Encapsulations ($53) Liver Cleanse, Gaia Herbs ($30) Silymarin, Metabolic Maintenance ($50) Flor•Essence®, Flora ($33) We know how confusing the dietary supplement market can be, so we asked our vice president of scientific affairs, Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, to highlight the top five criteria to consider when choosing the best liver detox supplement. Whether you’re trying to figure out what to look for in a liver supplement or hoping to select one of the products on our list, we hope these five factors help you find the right supplement to support your personal detox pathways and optimize your liver health: Choosing a comprehensive liver detox supplement that supports various aspects and angles of detoxification (such as detox phase I and II, which occur in the liver) and helps the body bind to and remove toxins is key.  Products that contain antioxidants (especially glutathione, aka the body’s “master antioxidant”) help maintain oxidative balance, which is crucial for optimal liver function.*  Find a supplement that bolsters sufficient antioxidant levels to combat free radicals (which are both a byproduct of liver detoxification pathways and the result of normal biological functions) and promote healthy redox balance (i.e., antioxidants balancing out oxidants).* Naturally, your detox supplement should have ingredients (e.g., nutrients, botanicals, and bioactives) that provide comprehensive support that aids cellular, organ, and whole-body cleanup activities.*  For example, a supplement that includes antioxidant ingredients offers comprehensive detox support by promoting oxidative balance in the main organs of elimination (i.e., liver, kidneys, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and lymph) and throughout the body.* Most of the detox supplements included on our list are meant to be taken every day and provide daily detoxification support.*  That said, there is a time and a place for “resetting” your detox pathways, so we included two short-term cleanse and reset options as well, in case you’re looking for a detox approach that will hit your body’s “refresh” button. If you’re thinking about adding a liver detox supplement (or any new supplement) to your routine, make sure you do your research on the company’s sourcing, quality, and reputation.  The product should prioritize purity and potency, and the brand should be transparent about what’s in itstheir product and where it comes from. RELATED: How Common Toxins Affect Liver Health + A Supplement That Can Help Here are some healthy lifestyle habits that further support your liver’s natural detoxification: You’ll notice that this list of supplements doesn’t have one go-to ingredient to support liver health but rather a smorgasbord of bioactives that promote liver detoxification from every angle.*  If you’re thinking about adding one of these liver supplements to your daily routine for everyday detox support, make sure to talk to a health care provider first. Whether you’re using this guide to navigate the vast market of liver supplements or are already sold on one included in this list, we hope you find the detox product that complements your lifestyle and takes care of your liver health needs.*

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