While we recommend you see a derm to target your specific breakouts, we can certainly help you wade into the overwhelming market. Here, find the best acne treatments for every kind of spot, with expert-approved ingredients that actually put in the work. From there, the spots can develop into various types of blemishes. Some are more red and painful (like papules, pustules, cysts, and nodules), while others are much subtler mounds (like blackheads, whiteheads, and subclinical breakouts). The conversation can get pretty technical—and it helps to have some sort of visual guide—so you can read all about the different types of acne here.  In terms of what causes acne, some common culprits are stress, seasonal changes, diet, hormonal fluctuations, and reactions to certain skin care or makeup products. Everyone’s skin is different, though, so it’s important to discover your personal triggers.  On that note: There are so, so many ways to reach your skin goals, and topical treatments only scratch the surface in terms of remedies. Let’s not forget that treating acne requires a much more holistic view, as diet, stress, and sleep can all affect the complex condition. However, selecting an acne treatment that best suits your skin type and concerns is a solid first step since it can also help prevent pesky breakouts in the first place. Our high standards also come from testing products—many, many products. Our editors and writers rigorously test and research the products featured in our roundups to offer you the best, most informed recommendations. When we write reviews, you can trust we spend quality time with the formulas: We don’t simply rave about products we’ve slathered on the back of our hand. We endorse products we’ve tried and loved.  Learn more about our testing process and clean beauty standards here. 

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