The stages of a breakup aren’t unlike the stages of grief, requiring both people to move through phases like denial, anger, and eventually acceptance. Here’s what to expect when working through a breakup, plus how long it can really take, according to relationship experts. For that person, there may have been a period of time when they were deliberating their decision and trying to figure out what they wanted to do. “It’s still very painful to break up with someone,” licensed clinical social worker Jordan Aura-Gullick, LCSW, explains to mbg, “and if you’re the person who did the breaking up, you probably already resolved your reasons why.” This can make it a bit easier to move through phases like shock and denial, but the breakup can still feel jarring. Both parties will move through the stages at their own pace, which will look a bit different for everyone. She adds that typically, it’s likely to be a couple of months, though if it was a very long-term relationship, it can take a lot longer. On top of that, where the relationship was at the time of the breakup is significant. Did everything seem fine and normal? Or was it becoming clear things were starting to steadily fall apart? It can feel easier to get over if both of you saw it coming but may take longer if it was a total surprise. Gullick notes that how we relate this person to our own sense of self-worth and self-esteem will play into how long it can take to get over a breakup. Things like “how much each of you relied on the other for approval, acceptance, validation, identity, etc.” are important to take into account. If you really believed this was your one chance for a soul mate, Hallett adds, it can make it feel particularly unsettling and painful. And just as a note, Hallett says the idea that it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them is simply too generalized, and really, it’s going to look different for everyone. Hallett also notes that this stage comes with a lot of pain, and it will be very focused on the “why.” Asking things like “Why did this happen?” or “How could they do this to me?” in an attempt to understand isn’t uncommon. “People feel that they’re desperate for answers, or they’re looking for closure,” she says. “They just don’t understand it, and the question of ‘Why, why, why?’ keeps coming up. This is a first response.” In denial, people bring up all sorts of things their partner said that they thought indicated their relationship was going to continue. “They’re arguing why that other person shouldn’t have broken up with them,” she adds, “and that tends to lead to a denial.” Denial can involve trying to convince yourself your partner didn’t mean it or that they’ll change their mind. “We’re also trying to rationalize it with our logical brain, but things don’t often make sense in the denial and shock phase,” Gullick adds. Hallett notes questions like “What do I need to do differently?” and “Can we just have another chance and try again?” may be tempting to ask. We’ll think about all the what-ifs, and we often blame ourselves for where the relationship went wrong. “In this stage, people care a lot about the ‘if only,’” she notes, adding you may “put up with stuff you previously weren’t OK with because you’re feeling such a yearning to be with that person.” Until things have cooled down, some time has passed, and both of you have a chance to get some clarity and closure, it’s best to avoid reaching out during this phase. Again, we aren’t always thinking logically in these early stages, and if you want to be able to move on and heal, both of you will need adequate space. Are you angry because your partner cheated? Angry because the breakup was out of the blue? Angry with yourself—or them—for not investing more in the relationship? It can even be a combination of these things. Gullick says things like jealousy and competitiveness can rear their head in this stage, whether these feelings are directed at your partner or at yourself. Ultimately, though, anger is often an emotion that surfaces before we can face deeper emotions, like hurt, disappointment, grief, shame, helplessness, and so on. Gullick notes you also are dealing with the loss of the certainty the relationship provided, as far as future plans, mutual friends, their family, and anything else you shared. She notes this can spur feelings of depression, emptiness, and apathy. Things like self-doubt and desperation can also creep in, as well as loneliness and abandonment. This is a particularly difficult stage to move through, but the good news is, when you start processing these feelings of sadness and grief, you’re able to start healing and moving on. Leaning on your support system, prioritizing your own needs and self-care, and even seeing a mental health professional can help you get through this difficult time. It’s important to keep this spectrum of acceptance in mind, she adds, because it’s not always a linear path. “You can feel pretty resolved about it, and then other moments you’re right back in denial or bargaining.” Nevertheless, you’ll know you’re moving through the acceptance stage when you find yourself letting go and disengaging mentally from this person. You’re “thinking about yourself as an individual rather than considering or thinking about your ex,” Gullick says. And as Hallett adds, you’re able to “see new beginnings, hope, and the fact that there could be someone else out there—they weren’t the only fish in the sea.” You’ve finally stopped checking their social media, you’re not constantly thinking about them, and you wish the best for them, knowing you won’t be a part of that. As you move through this phase, you may feel like you’re ready to put yourself out there again and date someone new, which is great! Just try to be aware of whether you’re “rebounding,” or truly ready to start a new relationship. Gullick says when you get to a place where you’re OK with being alone, you’re no longer caught up in your ex, and you can truly stand on your own emotionally, you’ll know you’re ready to give love another shot. But however these stages look for you, she adds that all of them can be worked through. Breakups are tough and call for plenty of self-love and lots of support from your loved ones. It may feel awful, and it may take some time, but both of you will get through it and come out on the other side with lessons learned, and hopefully, a willingness to try again when the time is right.

The 7 Stages Of A Breakup  How To Get Through   Move On - 31The 7 Stages Of A Breakup  How To Get Through   Move On - 33The 7 Stages Of A Breakup  How To Get Through   Move On - 30The 7 Stages Of A Breakup  How To Get Through   Move On - 25